Newspaper Design Tips

If design had nothing to do with beauty, we wouldn't bother with it in the first place. Sometimes aesthetics take centre stage.


Expensive looking items sell.We often buy a brand because of it's name. I want to incorporate this persuasion within my design.

Design to inform, design to communicate, not just decorate. Very busy pages can be tiring and can dazzle rather than tell the reader anything.


Use of infographics and imagery will help me communicate my data much more than just that of text would.. It's important the design doesn't become too cluttered, otherwise my communication will be non-effective and this could potentially put off readership

Design to navigate. Design needs to lead the reader to what is most important, aesthetics mould the reading experience.


Good effective design will already guide the reader's eye from the grid column system, page to page, no confusion will be caused.

Design for balance. People love to see things fit like a jigsaw, text and images should follow symmetry.


I need to make sure I don't dominate the page with to much of the same visual elements, a combination between text and imagery will be the most effective design layout system.

Drawing the reader in is an art. Invite and immerse them into an experience in which the words and images create to tell one powerful story


I must create an atmosphere that combines visuals of text and image to produce emotion. Breathing life into each newspaper page will allow the audience to feel more in key sync with the design.

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